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Form 1125-A Illinois Cook: What You Should Know

The State's Election Code authorizes the City Clerk to provide polling places and polling-place maps to candidates and groups. Please be advised that polling places and voting places for the upcoming November General Election are open until midnight Monday, October 19. City Clerk Website Polling Place Information — Elections and Voting If you have questions about the availability and location of polling places, you may contact the State's Election Department at: Phone: Fax: E-mail: ElectionInfolegis.IL.gov Precincts and polling places — Illinois.gov Eligibility for Election Day Voting in General and Special Election, Illinois.gov How to Vote on a Primary Day, Illinois.gov The Illinois Secretary of State's site enables you to view your voting history, find your polling place, add your vote to a statewide ballot, and locate a polling place for your neighborhood. Polls: Preselection Survey — Illinois.gov The Chicago Board of Election Commissioners has created an online poll asking about a variety of topics related to the election. Topics include polling place hours, polling place hours changing, and more. Polling Places — Illinois.gov Poll book: How to Use Chicago PollBooks.com How to Register To Vote in Illinois — Illinois.gov The Voter Services Unit at the United States Postal Service has information on how to register to vote or request a change in your photo identification/address. Polling Place, Polling Place Map — Illinois.gov An interactive map that shows where the City Clerk's polling places are open, who has voted in the last election by party, and any special election. Poll Books: PollBook.com If you cannot see the map, refresh your browser. Use left and right arrows to navigate. Tally Board: The Chicago Tally Board is the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners web page that displays election results over time as well as information for residents. Tailored Voting — Elections & Voting Tally Board: Election Results, Elections & Voting Vote for the Candidate You Like! The Chicago Board of Elections website allows you to view the vote totals for several candidates in the 2025 Chicago Mayor's race and for several candidates in the 2025 race for United States Senator for Illinois. Vote by Mail (IBM) — FAQ's — Illinois.

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